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Aikido Club Wednesday Evening Class

Aikido is a comprehensive and effective martial art which provides a basis for both physical and spiritual development. It is accessible to everyone, regardless of fitness level, size, strength, age or gender, because it uses whole-body movement in techniques which are designed to diffuse an aggressor's attack rather than to inflict injuries.

During our training, we emphasize on co-operation rather than competition. Students will learn to look after each other and themselves so that throws and locks can be practised safely but effectively, too. Experienced practitioners learn to defend themselves against multiple armed and unarmed attacks.

We welcome anybody who is keen to learn something new, doesn't matter what your current experience in martial art it. Come join us if you are interested!


Please make sure you join our membership (which is FREE) before you purchase tickets of individual training session. Membership gets you to attend any Aikido training session (there's a separate training session fee), as well as attend any of our socials.

Session Fee

It's £5 per session, or £40 for the whole term! If you pay for individual sessions, and end up attending more than 8 sessions, you can stop paying for training for the rest of the term!

2023-2024 Training Times 

(There is no obligation to attend ALL sessions. Attend as many or as few as you want each week)

  • Mon 07:20am - 08:20am Studio 3 Indoor Sports Centre

  • Tue 7:00pm - 8:30pm St Werburghs Community Centre

  • Wed 7:00pm - 9:00pm Studio 3 Indoor Sports Centre

  • Sun 10:00am - 12:00pm Anson Room 5 (AR5), Richmond Building (SU)


What to bring

For clothing, a white training Gi is preferred, but not required (we can recommend suppliers). Otherwise, please wear long-sleeved, sensible sportswear. Jewellery or similar is not permitted during training. A drink of water is also recommended. When necessary, wooden bokken, jo, and tanto training weaponry can be provided for you. If you have your own, you are welcome to bring them. 


We are affiliated with the British Aikido Federation (BAF), and Hombu Dojo Tokyo. Our instructor is James (4th dan, Aikikai), who is a direct student of the late Minoru Kanetsuka Shihan (8th dan, Aikikai), who was the technical director of the BAF until March 2019. For more information about the BAF and courses held by other dojos, please visit:


Follow our Facebook Page for regular updates and reminders about upcoming classes:

Alternatively, join our WhatsApp group for announcements and fun:

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at, we will get back to you within 24 hours.


Venue : Studio 3, UoB Indoor Sports Centre

Type: Sports Club Events

Start Date: Wednesday 05-03-2025 - 19:00

End date: Wednesday 05-03-2025 - 21:00


Contact Details

Aikido Club Committee

Terms and Conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions