"Zults is an app designed to make communicating STI results easier, secure, and shame-free. It’s a simple, reliable tool that helps users turn their STI results into Rezults, making it effortless to track and share important health information with confidence; STI results, redesigned."
Zults will be launching their app in the Bristol SU Loft during S.H.A.G. Week and showing students how easy it is to share your STI status with others, removing the stigma and taboo around STIs. They will be offering students free STI testing on the day and have other freebies to give out.
No need to book, just drop in!
"Send, request, receive, Rezults."
Venue : Senate House, SU Loft
Type: Alcohol Free Events, Campaigns, Featured Events, Free, SHAG Week, Wellbeing
Start Date: Monday 31-03-2025 - 11:00
End date: Monday 31-03-2025 - 15:00